Monday, February 26, 2007

Look through the windows for better perspective

Man is a social animal. But his needs are far beyond that of animals. There was a time when people used camera by which the target is to be captured through a window and then to be clicked. But now there are Digi cams available in which we can use the display screen that capture the target for us and then click. But on using the display screen people don't use the window for aiming the target or framing the profile.How the accuracy changes? This is not at all a question for the customer as he do think that the picture that he is seeing is okay. He forgets the delay taking place during the process. Even after clicking it is normally found that the picture taken by the cam is actually after one or two seconds after the moment we wish to take the shot. This is due to the second delay. Another thing is about the stability. It is not necessary that the cam is always on the tripod. Most often it is placed on hand and then clicking. As all of us know that we cannot click with out moving a fingure. If so, there is noway getting the stability as when we used to shoot by aiming the target through the window.